A properly dressed male guppy, with its gaudy blue spots and brilliant splashes of orange, can't help but stand out. But for a fish that spends its life swimming among predators, it seems that ...
Because they are found in an assortment of colors, fin types, and patterns, they may also be called rainbow fish. Guppies are widely available in pet stores, often at a cheap price and in abundance.
Exotic Guppy is a fantastic mix of fish and reptiles tucked along Main Avenue South in Twin Falls. Richard Logan and his son, ...
Serious warning signs to watch out for include gasping for air, fin rot, discoloration along the body ... As a rule, I’d ...
Its teeth are designed not so much to grab or slice fish but to prevent them from escaping ... these fishes' paired lobe fins are supported by the same basic bones as your arms and legs.
Bluefin tuna are an ocean-going fish that grow up to 10 feet long and can weigh as much ... With streamlined bodies and retractable fins, bluefin can bolt through the water at speeds of up to 50 miles ...
Their streamlined torpedo shape helps them gather enough underwater speed to break the surface, and their large, wing-like pectoral fins get them airborne. Flying fish are thought to have evolved ...
Qian Hu Fish Farm, the biggest among about 60 farms across the island, is pioneering a new system to breed freshwater fish ...
Cambodian fishermen caught two fish in the Mekong River, measuring between 11 and 13 pounds and two to three feet long. This time researchers were able to purchase and examine the fish for themselves.
A giant fish in Asia’s Mekong River that scientists believed to be extinct has been spotted three times after almost 20 years, according to a new study. The “ghost’ fish,” a large salmon ...