Student accounts include billing and the receipt and recording of payments for tuition, housing, meals, and any fees. New students are responsible for notifying the admission department of any changes ...
Join a family dedicated to preparing you for the creative career of your dreams. Our international students study under award-winning faculty and gain access to world-class facilities across four ...
From epic Hollywood blockbusters to bite-sized mobile programming, film and television content requires timeless storytelling and a complex harmony of production and performance. With resources that ...
College credits may be awarded to students who have completed college-level courses or have reached a certain level of achievement at another accredited institution.
Nothing is a greater testament to the stellar resources and career preparation that define the visual effects degrees at SCAD than the top quality work our students produce. Here, a portfolio of ...
Become a designer. Become a merchandiser. Become a production leader. SCAD jewelry students find the perfect setting to launch careers across contemporary, luxury, and fine art markets. Through ...
Hone your design skills, define your unique artistic voice, and position yourself to thrive in a multibillion-dollar industry that fuses cultural and commercial relevance. Working with other creatives ...
What are the SAT/ACT/AP codes for SCAD? What is the difference between a Masters of Arts (M.A.) and a Masters of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)?
SCADpro is a collaborative design studio that connects current and future art and design professionals with business leaders to find creative and inventive solutions to real-world challenges. SCADpro ...
As the only university to confer B.F.A., M.A., and M.F.A. degrees in sound design, SCAD prepares students to become award-winning audio professionals in film, television, music production, and more.
Academic advisement is provided to all students to assist in the development of their educational plans and career goals and to relate these goals to academic offerings at SCAD. Students have both a..