And as for her other personal issues, I’m surprises she didn’t do something like, maybe, a full page interview in a national newspaper all about them.
You said the other day "the guards claimed they received nothing" You lied, the article states The material was handed in at Kevin Street Garda Station in Dublin by a barrister, who is also a Sinn ...
Enda Kenny's missus is a former Fianna Fail PRO I seem to recall. King's Inns must be destroyed. Please note that the views expressed in these posts are not necessarily the views of the poster but may ...
You seem to know a hell of a lot about what's going on in SF, quite amazing. My latest info is that the fallout is the result of an affair between Brian Stanley and a female member of the party.
Following the FG tradition of ignoring the north unless they can stick it to SF, then leaving office only to get all teary eyed about the prospect of a UI. Kenny did it, Varadkar did it. Harris will ...
I'm sure they are very worried an anonymous forum member is keeping them top of a list on a website used by a couple of hundred people max If what im hearing is correct and the families (one who I ...
Well that was the bit that was allegedly criminal. Personally I found this the most bizarre thing I've read so far:-Speaking on RTÉ television on Monday night, Sinn Féin’s director of elections, Cavan ...
A seasoned barrister of good standing if I’ve guessed correctly, though they do have a few (the law library is full of party members from all the political parties).
Ok. So this is a shit show..... Who decided to sit on the dirt and not get the cops involved.... ? The nature of the complaint passed to the cops will be very relevant here. If they are just throwing ...
Communities Minister Gordon Lyons has been accused of poor judgment after meeting an umbrella group representing loyalist paramilitaries. It is hard to disagree with the good loyalist community with ...
A valid point. Just because you are permitted legal representation before a "tribunal" doesn't mean that you are guaranteed a fair and impartial procedure. You could say that about any court case or ...
Cabinet jobs for the Fine Gael brewers spent grain. “You tell me one party out there who doesn’t look after their own. I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s politics.” - Hilary Quinlan, Fine Gael ...