Lauren Herwehe is the Team Lead responsible for all data products derived from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), Special Sensor ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. To promote ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. To promote ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. To promote ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. To promote ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. Stroeve, J. ...
The Daily 4 km Gridded SWE and Snow Depth from Assimilated In-Situ and Modeled Data over the Conterminous US, Version 1 data set, available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed ...
As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. To promote ...
The distribution of ATLAS/ICESat-2 expedited latency “Quick Look” data sets for ATL07 and ATL10, accessible through the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC ...
The ICESat-2 L4 Monthly Gridded Sea Ice Thickness, Version 3 data set, available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distribute ...