La manera en la que las industrias y los gobiernos han manejado el plástico, y la manera en la que la sociedad lo ha convertido en una conveniencia desechable y de un solo uso. La manera en la que las ...
A healthy ocean plays a vital role in stabilizing the world’s climate and sustaining life on Earth. Climate change presents a pervasive threat to the health, resilience and productivity of the world’s ...
Many of the decisions that affect our ocean’s health are made far from any coastline. WWF engages in policy advocacy to give the ocean and those who depend on it a “seat at the table” when important ...
The health, resilience and productivity of marine and coastal ecosystems is increasingly affected by pollution, including land-based nutrient, pesticide and plastic pollution. WWF and our supporters ...
To halt and reverse declines in wild fish populations, WWF works with partners to secure science-based harvest strategies, supported by measures to curb bycatch, illegal fishing, overcapacity and ...