This book is the result of a collaboration between academics at the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau and teachers in schools. It is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to teach about ...
Reports on the perceptions of physical education teacher education students regarding the pedagogies they have recently experienced in senior secondary school biomechanics classes.
School goal setting is often described as a key leadership practice for school improvement. Important for the effectiveness of goal setting is the close monitoring of progress. This article examines ...
The focus on teacher inquiry to enhance student learning is a key feature of The New Zealand Curriculum and in New Zealand’s approach to teacher professional learning. This article examines how a ...
Recognising children as active and competent citizens holds promise for early childhood research and pedagogies worldwide. Researchers in China have not previously explored young children’s ...
Perhaps girls miss out on pre-school experiences with equipment which would help them find mathematics much more natural at school. Action was taken in four kindergartens to help, and the results are ...
This article draws on the findings of a recent Ministry of Education commissioned evaluation of the CD ROM The Game and other stories. It focuses on possible reasons for the positive impact of ...
What's to be done to improve things for 'latch key' children, those youngsters with both parents working full time? Working from data collected in one area Anne Meade is able to put together advice to ...
At a typical secondary school the researchers discovered how successful the presentation of the science curriculum in discrete separately assessed units of work is. And discovered the (unhappy) ...
Playcentres train their parents to supervise their own playcentre sessions. But when you have trained what further use can you make of your training? A survey of what trained supervisors do now. A ...
The focus of this study is the cognitive process called mentalisation and how it is woven into Te Whāriki. Employing a qualitative content analysis, we sought to examine the embedded expectations and ...
Buddhism and evaluation share many things in common: They both help people make progress towards their goals by overcoming problems and challenges with the understanding of their strengths and values ...