Three-nucleon force (3NF), the forces where three nucleons interact, is a key element in the accurate description of nuclear phenomena. The main topic of this laboratory is the experimental study of ...
The Laboratory for Vascular Morphogenesis is searching for a part-time worker to support research activities. The laboratory uses the zebrafish as a model organism to observe and understand the ...
The RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project has been launched since April 2016 with the subsidy for “Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform Project-Artificial Intelligence/ Big Data/ ...
The missions of RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC) are to deepen our understandings of quantum mechanics and quantum information, develop techniques for quantum control and measurement, build ...
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN. 1. Hata J, Nakae K, Tsukada H, Woodward A, Haga Y, Iida M, Uematsu A, Seki F, Ichinohe N, Gong R, Kaneko T, Yoshimaru D, ...
Time 15th 9:15-17:00, 16th 9:00-17:20, 17th 9:00-17:00, 18th 9:00-16:00 ...
The Junior Research Associate (JRA) program provides part-time positions at RIKEN for energetic and open-minded graduate students enrolled in Japanese university PhD programs for the purpose of giving ...
Applications may be submitted in the following three categories. These categories are only to define application criteria. There is no quota set on the number of applicants that may apply to each ...
理研らの共同研究グループは、中枢神経系の自己免疫疾患である多発性硬化症(MS)の重症患者の腸内細菌叢(そう)から、メタゲノム解析を用いることで、MSの進行や難治化に関連する腸内細菌「Tyzzerella ...