Heart diseases and stroke ranked as the third and fourth killers in Hong Kong last year. They are under the umbrella of cardiovascular diseases and share similar risk factors. There has been an ...
「旅行亂打卡,隨時變偷拍」 近日有港人到訪南韓濟州島,懷疑於當地汗蒸幕浴場拍照,涉嫌非法拍攝而被捕未能返港。正所謂入境問禁,究竟出遊外地的各類公共場所時,有甚麼禮儀或者注意事項以免誤墮法網? #旅行#南韓#汗蒸幕#非法拍攝#打卡#偷拍#徐頴堃 ...
2023年,中共廣東省臨委暨東江縱隊成立80周年。在香港著名的中華白海豚觀景地——龍鼓灘,劉春祥抗日英雄群體紀念碑正式揭幕。這是香港首次為列入國家級紀念名錄的抗日英烈立碑,也是繼斬竹灣、烏蛟騰之後,香港第三座大型抗戰紀念設施。劉春祥等十二名抗日英烈是香港淪陷期間的東江縱隊港九獨立大隊成員。1943年5月某夜,港九大隊大嶼山中隊隊長劉春祥帶領六名班排骨幹,于大嶼山東湧乘帆船前往屯門龍鼓灘,船行至龍鼓 ...
“Our important goal is to achieve inheritance by passing on science from generation to generation.” Professor Dennis LO ...
Paul and Carolyn (AKA the Pop Fugitives) are plotting to make their Escape every Sunday morning between 9 and 1. Join them on the Sunday Escape to hear the best in new music, including three tracks fr ...