Signs of temporarily delayed tooth development in the skull of an ancient Homo species youth spark debate about the origins of humanlike growth.
By V. Paul Reynolds Growing larger bucks means letting young ones grow For most Maine deer hunters, a fantasy buck is in ...
Urban archery season is Jan. 2-31, 2025. It takes place in Huron, Kent, Lapeer, Macomb Okaland, Sanilac, St. Clair, Tuscola, ...
afarensis remains each contain layers of volcanic matter and ash. Measures of the decay of radioactive argon into related forms in that volcanic material provided age estimates for the fossils. The ...
Experts say harvesting does during the rut can boost the health of your deer herd and be an effective tactic for targeting ...
However, measurements of the pedicles of the antlers in the study did show generally that the bucks had less testosterone during peak rut times and incomplete antler growth likely due to the extreme ...
There are several factors at play that should lead to another 'outstanding' deer hunting season in Pennsylvania. Here's why.