Professor Sir Richard Blundell will give the lecture on the first phase of the IFS Deaton Review, recently published by ...
Over a fifth of government spending goes on pay. We examine recruitment and retention challenges which mean that pressures ...
The government is reportedly considering a change to the debt rule to allow for more borrowing for investment. We consider ...
What taxes could the Chancellor increase in her first Budget on 30 October? And how could it be done in a way that improves ...
Using existing literatures and new empirical evidence, we address whether educational expansion is an effective tool for ...
The fury about ending the winter fuel allowance is a diversion from a much important issue: our failing social care system.
We use rich time-use data on where, and how, individuals spend their time to explore women’s seclusion in India.
This online event will look at the prospects for public sector pay for different occupations given the public spending pressures in the coming years.