Hundreds of kilometers separate Iceland from Greenland. Nevertheless, a polar bear has made it to the island in the North Atlantic. There, however, its life was quickly ended. For the first time in ...
Three quarters of the money from the Swisslos fund in Aargau will continue to go to cultural projects. In its response to a question from parliament, the cantonal government rejects the idea of ...
More Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland should take up employment. The Federal Council has instructed the Department of Justice and Police to draw up a consultation draft by February 2025 with ...
Hunderte Kilometer trennen Island von Grönland. Dennoch hat es ein Eisbär auf die Insel im Nordatlantik geschafft. Dort wurde ...
Alte Alpwege wieder erlebbar machen: für dieses Wanderwegprojekt hat die Oberhasler Gemeinde Schattenhalb den Prix Rando ...
Le finanze della Confederazione sono in sofferenza, a causa in particolare delle uscite in crescita per le pensioni e per ...
«Volkswagen dovrà risolvere la maggior parte dei suoi problemi da sola». È quello che ha detto il vicecancelliere e ministro ...
«Un quart de siècle d'agressions sexuelles»: Des dizaines de femmes accusent l'ex-propriétaire de Harrods Mohamed Al-Fayed, ...
Les personnes actives titulaires d'un statut S doivent avoir plus de temps pour se retourner après l'expiration de leur ...
Die Gelder des Swisslos-Fonds sollen im Aargau weiterhin zu drei Vierteln Kulturprojekten zugute kommen. In der Antwort auf ...
Le puncheur Daniel Dubois, force montante de la boxe, et le double champion du monde Anthony Joshua, proche d'un retour au ...
Le Hezbollah a tiré des roquettes vendredi vers Israël en représailles à d'intenses bombardements de l'armée israélienne sur ...