In very non-robotics news, here is a website describing a 25-year project of mine involving an antique, air-cooled Porsche 911. I am happy to announce the release of our new book, AI and Humanity by ...
My life goal is to fulfill the science fiction vision of machines that achieve human levels of competence in perceiving, thinking, and acting. A more narrow technical goal is to understand how to get ...
The following policy applies to all courses based on the textbook Computer Systems: A Programmer's Approach (CS:APP) taught at Carnegie Mellon University. These include the following: All of these ...
This is a PRE-RELEASE of hw7 so you may perhaps start early (in case you have travel plans the weekend before Fall Break). This version contains everything except: The last step of Tetris. The bonus ...
Instructor: Avrim Blum /// Time: Mon, Wed 12:30-1:45, 1304 SC /// Office hours: Wed 4:00-5:00, 3212 SC Course description: This course will cover a collection of topics in theory and algorithms for ...
12/7: Homework 4 solutions online, can be picked up Monday The solutions to homework 4 are now online, and you may pick up your graded homework from Marilyn's office (Wean 7106) after 1pm on Monday.
From smart phones, to multi-core CPUs and GPUs, to the world's largest supercomputers, parallel processing is ubiquitous in modern computing. The goal of this course is to provide a deep understanding ...
Former Ph.D. Students | Former M.S. Students | Former B.S. Honors Students ...
I defended my Ph.D. dissertation in Aug. 2007; I am now with IBM T.J. Watson Research. Before that I was in Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. I ...
Daniel Bird: Tuesday 9:00am-10:00am in GHC 8110 Shubhranshu Shekhar: Thursday 10:30am-11:30am in HBH 3037 Zirui Wang: Thursday 3:00pm-4:00pm at GHC 8th Floor Study Area Adithya Raghuraman: Wednesday ...
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4.1 Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body 4.1.1Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body in a Plane 4.1.2 Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body in Space ...