The Swiss National Bank cut borrowing costs by a quarter point at a third straight meeting and warned of more to come if ...
In September 2022 the photographer and TikTok influencer Kylie Katich posted a video showing off her Fujifilm X100V. “I just ...
Tigran Gambaryan has investigated illegal tax shelters for the California Franchise Tax Board, served in the criminal ...
When the euro crisis was young, some of us became convinced that a massive public green investment program was necessary to ...
The key takeaway is that the US remains in the driver’s seat. With its technological leadership and scale, it is poised to ...
James Dean's career may have ended tragically in 1955, but te actor's estate is keeping his paycheck alive through artificial ...
Na degradiranih območjih opuščenih peskokopov in rudnikov premoga po Evropi nastajajo plavajoče elektrarne; kakšni so načrti ...
Pobudniki slovenskega dneva brez zavržene hrane (DBZH) so se pred prihajajočim mednarodnim dnevom ozaveščanja o izgubah hrane ...
Septembra je kazalnik gospodarskega razpoloženja ( ESI) ostal na splošno stabilen tako v EU (brez spremembe pri 96,7 točke) ...
Stečajni upravitelj Kristijan Anton Kontarščak, ki vodi stečaj Družbe za spodbujanje razvoja TNP, je v četrtek ponovil dražbo ...