This report covers hrev58043 through hrev58187. We’re now back to development “as usual” after the release of R1/beta5 (though some of the changes in this report did make it in to the release itself.) ...
The introduction of USB standardized the way many devices connected to a whole range of different computers and operating systems. It introduced a standard that was capable of getting rid of all the ...
The Application Kit should be your starting point if you want to write native Haiku applications with a GUI. The application kit does exactly as its name suggests; it is the basis for Haiku ...
Below you will find documentation on the Application Programming Interface (API) of the Haiku operating system. This API describes the internals of the operating system allowing developers to write ...
A modular, add-ons based network stack Two shared libraries, and A stack driver, acting as interface between the network stack and Basic network apps A modular GUI ...
Zdroje softvéru sú kolekcie balíkov softvéru. Štandardne nastavený je zdrojo softvéru Haiku so všetkými balíkmi operačného systému a HaikuPorts, ktorý poskytuje veľké množstvo portovaných aplikácií a ...
CortexAddOnHost 使用中の、オーディオおよびビデオアドオンをモニターするサービスを起動。 FirstBootPrompt 使用言語とキーボードマップの設定。 [要素を比較して、真 / 偽を返す。